Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Time: 2:26 PM
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Title: Drama
Yesterday was a long long day. Our hard work for drama finally paid off(: It was showcase time! SPOTLIGHT was a great success. Looking at everyone busy with their parts, flea and yihting putting make up with the help of jac and hz. Rehana, jolene, jac and hz going around selling tickets. SM (vanessa) controlling all of us, ASM (shannon) and michael busy with the lightings, kinming busy with sound effects, stage hands and props mistresses trying to figure who to do what, casts (Sumi as Baby, Sarah as Death, Jan as Sarah, Mingyi as Guakawakaweena a.k.a Boon Gek, Wilson as God a.k.a Mug and I as Muichoo a.k.a Mummy) trying to remember the lines and putting in emotions and directors going around to check everything. Eveyone working hard for a common goal, making this show a success, but poor jac lost her voice when cheering for us. Take care jac. Trying really hard not to laugh during the show when everyone else is laughing. That was tough):, but YAY actors. WE DID IT!

Now it has ended, having mixed feelings right now. Sad because drama ended and we'll have to go to for SPIRE or some science thingy lessons from next week onwards. Happy because our drama was a great success. I'm so proud of JH206 and being able to be part of this production! TY all for making all these this possible(:.

Another unforgettable day saved into my memory bank.<3<3<3